Our Technologies



AphixTM Technology for Aphid Tolerance

Advanta Seeds, introduces its new AphixTM technology in grain sorghum hybrids with superior performance and the highest level of sugarcane aphid tolerance. This technology exemplifies our dedication to developing solutions with cutting-edge traits and genetics for sorghum growers. AphixTM grain sorghum hybrids deliver low sugarcane aphid damage scores in testing by the USDA Agricultural Research Service. In addition to leading pest tolerance to grain sorghum hybrids offer other high-performance attributes such as high yield potential, strong drought tolerance and adaptability across a wide range of conditions. Sugarcane aphid infestations can cause up to significant crop loss if left uncontrolled. Selecting a tolerant hybrid is the first step of an insect pest management plan to prevent crop losses.

Aphid Tolerance

Tolerant against Sugarcane Aphids

Yield Potential & Adaptability

High Yield Potential & Wider Adaptability

Input Cost

Savings in the Input cost of the farmers (Spraying cost) & also reduces environmental impact



igrowthTM Technology in Sorghum

First technology of herbicides tolerance in sorghum developed by Advanta seeds. The igrowthTM technology in sorghum is a non-GMO technology developed by Advanta Seeds by the expert team of Advanta scientists using cutting edge technology and confers tolerance to herbicides of the Imidazolinone family. This technology allows farmers to apply herbicides at the recommended doses to use with igrowthTM sorghum plants without causing damage or crop phytotoxicity. igrowthTM is the first in the world commercial weed control technology for sorghum, successfully launched by Advanta Seeds in Argentina and Australia. The technology is currently being introduced to many big sorghum regions such as the US, Mexico, Brazil, South Asia, and South American countries as well as some of the Eastern European regions to help boost their environmental opportunities.

Non-GMO Herbicide Tolerance

Provides superior, long-lasting control of tough weeds

Usage Pattern

Can be used pre- or post-emergence

Yield Potential & Adaptability

High Yield Potential & Wider Adaptability



VertixTM Seed Treatment

Safeguarding a crop starts before the planting even begins. VertixTM Seed Treatment offers a protective barrier with powerful formulas to enhance performance and increase crop yield. Corn and Sorghum hybrids from Advanta seeds are designed to resilience. Vertix Seed treatment combines the leading genetics of Advanta’s corn hybrid seeds with seed treatment chemicals to deliver higher yields and return on investment (ROI) to growers. This technology enables the crop to overcome early stage growth challenges and helps in better crop establishment leading to higher yield potential realization for growers.

Improved Germination

Better Germination & Improved Initial Vigour, Optimum Plant Stand in the Field

Pest Tolerance

Better Protection against Shoot Fly/early occuring sucking pests Incidence

Yield Potential & Adaptability

High Yield Potential & Wider Adaptability